Homeowner Resources May 20, 2023

Best Home Projects to Tackle in the Fall

Apple picking, pumpkin patches, beautiful scenes — it’s no wonder that fall is a fan favorite! Temperatures start to cool off and you start looking forward to the upcoming holidays. While it is easy to get distracted with all of the fun fall festivities, it is also the perfect time to work on some of those home improvement projects you’ve been putting off.

Not sure where to start? See below for some projects you can tackle this season.

Clean The Gutters

While it may not be an enjoyable task, it is important to ensure your gutters are clean. Gutters are in place to direct water away from your home, and with leaves coming down, there is a high chance for clogs. Having clogged gutters may not seem like a big deal, but if the water can’t be diverted, it can lead to water damage to your roof and the exterior of your home, as well as put you at risk for flooding. In addition, remove any debris that is on your roof so they don’t find their way to the gutters and cause a clog during the next storm.

When cleaning your gutters, remember to take precautions to prevent risk of injury. Use a ladder that is sturdy, and have someone stabilize the bottom of the ladder. If you are unable to find a helper, be sure to let someone know you are using a ladder and cleaning the gutters. Also, wear shoes with rubber soles to help prevent you from slipping off of the ladder, and to reduce the risk of slipping and falling if you need to walk on the roof during the cleaning. Wear thick gloves to keep your hands protected from any rotting debris and contaminated water that is sitting in your gutters, and wear eye protection!

Not a fan of cleaning your gutters year after year? Consider installing gutter guards to help protect against any blockages, or hire a professional to tackle the task.

Roof Maintenance

Keep your home warm and dry during the colder months by taking the time to ensure you have a solid roof. By inspecting your roof, or having a professional do it, you can stay on top of any issues before it gets worse. Check to make sure you don’t have any leaks that have developed, and replace shingles that are missing, curling, or cracked. Regular maintenance of your roof will help prolong its life.

Break Out the Paint

Fall is a great time to get those painting projects done! Because many fall days don’t drop below freezing, it is the perfect time for putting a fresh coat of paint on your front door and to the exterior of your home. Don’t forget to power wash your home to clean it of any dirt, mold, and mildew before painting.

In addition, now that you longer have to deal with the summer heat, it is also a great time to paint the interior of your home because your can open the windows to air out the room. You would be surprised what a difference it makes to just paint the trim!

Window Care or Replacement

Windows that are not functioning to their fullest ability can have a severe impact on your monthly energy bills, so it is important to take the time to inspect your windows. Check the sealant and caulk to ensure water and insects cannot get in, and that you don’t feel a draft on those windy days. Additionally, take a look at the weather stripping and make sure it is still in tact – this will seal any air leaks.

If you notice condensation or frost on your windows, or notice any damage, it might be time to call a professional because you may be in need of new windows.