Homeowner Resources October 21, 2021

Best Home Projects to Do in Fall

According to recent survey conducted by LightStream, despite the ongoing pandemic, 73% of homeowners are planning to renovate this year. This seems to stem from the fact that isolation has made American’s take a much-needed closer look at their home. Fall is actually the perfect time to tackle some badly needed home projects before winter comes blowing in. If you’re one of the many homeowners who are planning to update their home, below are a few key things to focus on.

Home Heating and Air Systems

If a furnace is 10-15 years old or takes longer to kick on than usual, it’s probably time for a replacement. Pay close attention to the SEER rating and look for efficient fuels such as natural gas which can help save you money in the long run.

While you’re preparing the furnace for the season, don’t forget to take care of the trusty AC that just got you through the summer months. Clean and cover your outdoor air conditioning units to help prevent any damage from rain or snow. Note, this does not apply if you have a heat pump model that is designed to switch to heating mode when the weather gets cold.



The gutters are essential throughout fall and winter so it’s best to take good care of them. Clean them out while it is still somewhat warm outside. Regular maintenance will prevent gutters from overflowing with rain, leaves, or snow which can damage your roof over time.



In the winter months, do you often feel a chill when sitting next to certain windows or notice condensation on the glass panes? Likely these issues can be fixed if you upgrade to multiple paned windows. If you have single pane windows in your home, you would do well to replace them. These older types of windows are poor insulators and replacing them with double panes will help to trap more heat in the home.


Roof and Shingles

The roof may have a rough winter ahead of it and to avoid undue stress and damage, you’ll want to make sure the roof is in tip top condition to help it resist the wind, rain, and snow that is likely coming its way. Before it gets too cold, you want to replace any missing shingles or other damaged areas.


Check on your weatherstripping around any doors and/or windows. These little strips are meant to seal openings and gaps to prevent drafts throughout your home. However they can wear down a bit over time. If you notice any faded weatherstripping, don’t hesitate to replace it. You may be losing a lot of heat through those pesky gaps. If you have an attic, you’ll also want to check for any air leaks up there. These can be sealed off with foam insulation which will help to keep your home warm over the coming winter. Don’t close off any vents though as you’ll need those open and unobstructed to get rid of any humid air hanging around the home.




Is there anything more relaxing than a cozy spot by the fireplace on a winter day? If you’re planning on spending some time in front of the fire this season, take the time now to thoroughly clean it out and check the state of the chimney. You’ll also want to make sure you have plenty of firewood. If you have a gas or electric fireplace, they will also benefit from an inspection before the snow starts to fall.



To ensure a beautiful lawn come springtime, there are several important projects it is best to start in the fall. Raking leaves seems like an obvious one but this will also aerate your lawn and prevent it from becoming suffocated. To go a step further, consider fertilizing and winterizing trees, grass, and bushes so your greenery enters winter properly nourished.

Fall also offers some days that are warm enough to still get some exterior painting in. A touch up can help prolong the life of a home’s siding and trim. Any surface that is likely to get covered in snow should also receive a fresh coat of paint or sealer. This is something that is best to be done sooner rather than later as many paints aren’t recommended for use in temperatures below 45 degrees.





